Why use Propshield?
are many benefits when using Propshield Antifouling Grease on your stern gear and this page will help you find
out what they are and how they can benefit you and your vessel.
Firstly you need to find out if Propshield
is right for you and your vessel.
To find out ask yourself the following questions:
Does my boat spend most of its time on its mooring making a home for
Do my props and stern gear get coated in these creatures?
Are my propellers green at the end of the season through electrolysis?
Do I lose speed after only a few weeks after re launch?
Is stern gear fouling costing me a fortune in wasted fuel and reduced
Do I
spend a fortune buying and refurbishing new propellers?
If the answer to any of these
questions is yes...
Propshield is definitely the solution for you!
The Benefits of Propshield
(Click on the links below to find out
more about each benefit of Propshield)
Use on propellers, Prop shafts, rudders P brackets and outdrives etc
Eradicates / reduces barnacle attraction
Stops / reduces the effects of electrolysis
Saves fuel due to cleaner stern gear
Maintains speed of vessel
Reduces prop repair costs
Propellers last years longer
Stops corrosion on outdrive legs (can be applied over paint)
Economical to use
No wastage
Vessels can be used immediately after application |
Will not dissolve in water
Penetrates metal up to a tenth of a millimetre
Easy to apply
Stops oxidation of all metals
Can be applied to all types of stern gear
Compatible with stainless steel, bronze, aluminium etc
Commercial vessels with fouled stern gear waste money; increase profits
with Propshield
fatty acids based product
Environmentally friendly
Made from renewable resources (NOT OIL BASED) |
Use on propellers, Prop shafts, rudders P brackets and outdrives etc
Propshield is a very versatile product and can be used on virtually
any type of stern gear and on any metal material (doesn't perform on
plastics). It can also be used on painted surfaces so outdrive legs can
be protected. Propshield is an all round stern gear antifouling work
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Eradicates / reduces barnacle attraction
During our research we have been amazed at the effects of minimising
the growth of barnacles. In many cases the barnacles are completely
eradicated and even in the most foul of waters only a few barnacles are
able to attach themselves to your stern gear.
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Stops / reduces the effects of electrolysis
Propshield forms a barrier between the stern gear and the water so
insulates the metal or painted surface. If you have suffered from
electrolysis (green deposits on bronze blades) then you will notice that
this either completely disappears or is minimised in extreme cases.
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Saves fuel due to cleaner stern gear
You will save a significant amount of fuel if your props are clean.
If you suffer from black smoke at full throttle then the chances are
that you have barnacle build up on your props. Alternatively you may
find that the props need slightly repitching to a finer pitch. Boat
yards will always tell you that black smoke is always caused by faulty
injectors or pumps on diesel boats. This is not always the case, check
your props first.
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Maintains speed of vessel
Using Propshield maintains the speed of your vessel as the
hydrodynamics of the propeller blades are maintained. Any fouling on
your props means you will loose speed which is particularly important on
planning boats.
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Reduces prop repair costs
How can Propshield reduce your repair costs? Well if they do not
oxidise and dont suffer from electrolysis then this should reduce the
need for them to be re fettled quite so often. In the case of
electrolysis it could mean the difference between replacing the prop or
not. If you prop is green (bronze only) at the end of the season then
the copper is leaching out of the bronze and weakening the blade.
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Propellers last years longer
As we have mentioned above the effects of the marine environment are
very harsh and your props are finely engineered pieces of equipment
which cost hundreds of pounds in most cases. If they are not maintained
they will eventually fail in service. Propshield will significantly
extend the life of your props by providing a barrier to that harsh
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Stops corrosion on outdrive legs (can be applied over paint)
Corrosion on outdrive legs can be devastating and can ruin aluminium
castings in a few months so an application of Propshield will prevent
this damage.
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Economical to use
Our research shows that one pot of Propshield will cover the
propshafts and propellers of a 12 metre boat for two applications. That
is a primer coat and second coat, twice.
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No wastage
There is no wastage with this product. If you have some left over
simply return it to the pot in a melted liquid form and use it again
when you are ready. If has been diluted with white spirit simply let the
carrier evaporate and re dilute it for use when you next need it.
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Vessels can be used immediately after application
After application you do not need to let the product harden as it
will be solid enough as soon as the heat is removed from the metal.
Method two is slightly different in that the carrier needs to evaporate
but this takes only a few minuets and it will take considerably longer
than that to launch your boat. By the time it hits the water it will be
hard. If for some reason you have over diluted the product then you
should wait until the surface has dried to a sticky film. You may even
need to apply more coats if it has been diluted too much.
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Will not dissolve in water
As this is a fatty acids based product it will not dissolve in water.
However it will gradually wear off but it takes a considerable amount of
use before it becomes ineffective.
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Penetrates metal up to a tenth of a millimetre
Propshield penetrates the surface of the metal so forming an
invisible barrier which remains active and deters barnacle attraction.
This penetration also works with painted surfaces.
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Easy to apply
Propshield is easier to apply when the temperature is above 15
degrees centigrade, if below this temperature just drop the pot of
Propshield into hot/boiling water until the grease is malleable. Above
15 degrees it gets even easier as the metal holds the heat more readily.
Method B is better at low temperatures as the first coat is diluted with
white spirit and therefore not temperature dependant. However the second
coat is sensitive to the ambient temperature.
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Stops oxidation of all metals
Propshield will stop the oxidation of all metals by providing a
durable barrier between the metal surface and the environment.
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Can be applied to all types of stern gear
This product is suitable for all types of stern gear from props to P
brackets and from painted outdrive legs to rudders as well as shafts,
trim tabs and outboards; and it will also work on bronze, stainless
steel, aluminium and other metals as well as painted surfaces. (Doesnt
perform on plastics, nylon or other synthetic materials)
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Compatible with stainless steel, bronze, aluminium etc
As mentioned before you can use this product on any metal but do not
use on synthetic materials such as plastics.
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Commercial vessels with fouled stern gear waste money; increase profits
with Propshield
Fishing vessels lay idle for long periods due to new fishing quotas
so by applying Propshield to you stern gear you prevent the build up of
encrustations which saves fuel and increases your profits. Lifeboats
which remain afloat would also benefit from Propshield for the same
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fatty acids based product
Propshields base material is fatty acids which has been used for years
in the pacific and southern hemisphere for protecting boats stern gear.
Now Prop Protector brings you a modern version and application with all the
benefits of new technology.
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Environmentally friendly
This is a green product that will not cause any harm to the
environment. It will not hurt aquatic marine life forms (even barnacles,
they just cant stick to it). It is biodegradable over extended periods
so will not pollute rivers or the sea. The additives in Propshield are
as eco friendly as we were able to find and are used in other industries
where pollution is forbidden. We are confident that this is safe to use
both in the production process for the end user and the environment.
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Made from renewable resources (NOT OIL BASED)
The base product is produced from the grease which naturally occurs
in sheep wool and is a by-product of the wool production process. The
sheep are not harmed in any way and when it is hot this is a positive
benefit to them.
The packaging we use is also recyclable and so are the drums that the
raw materials are packed in when they are delivered to Prop Protector. We
have gone to extreme lengths to ensure that this product is as natural
as possible whilst maintaining its effectiveness in the marine
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